As part of this assignment 'Darkroom vs Digital Techniques' we had to go through the process of producing images that had frames, a Polaroid look, lifts, diptychs and triptychs. The are all styles that can be produced non-digitally, but for this part of the assignment we had to go through the different stages to produce them digitally. Below are some screenshots of the process of producing the different styles. Hopefully, you can have some fun yourself, and have a go a producing your own. It takes a bit of fun, but adds another dimension to your digital images.
The first image
would again need to be darkened in the background so that they all have this
Bringing two images so you can see them
both in Photoshop. Cmd + A, Cmd + C, Cmd
+ V.
Blending mode to multiply.
Resize image where necessary.
Enter quick mask by pressing Q.
Select Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian
Blur. Set the radius accordingly.
Shots of Polaroid Emulsion Transfer
Make sure all parts are brought together in
a single file, having opened a new A4 page.
Make sure that the orientation is appropriate for the image. Landscape and portrait.
Select, Modify, Expand.
Feather radius 1 pixel.
Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur.
Using the liquify tool.
The start of a Diptych.
Selected quick mask so that I could select
an area to darken the background so that both images’ backgrounds were darker.
A triptych on an A3 background.
The first image
would again need to be darkened in the background so that they all have this
The digital techniques of Polaroids, Frames, and Lifts can add texture to original images. They aren't the same as Polaroids etc, but do try to play homage to these original photographic styles.
The Diptych and Triptychs are there for you to use to show a series, or theme. Diptych means two, Triptych means three, and so on. Just remember that the images that you want to display within these should have a theme, i.e. Street Photography, Portraits, Landscapes, etc. They should ideally have a connection. You don't want to have one image of a portrait, a landscape, and then wildlife. Try to be consistent.
You just need to remember that these techniques that I have shown are really just for fun, or to add a bit of texture to your images. With practice you will find the processes become easier, and as they say practice makes perfect.
My images have been edited in Photoshop, but you may find that other editing software can be used to the same effect.
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